Running Strong: The Crucial Role of Physiotherapy for Runners

Running Strong: The Crucial Role of Physiotherapy for Runners

Whether you're a seasoned marathoner or a casual jogger, the exhilaration of pounding the pavement is unmatched. However, the repetitive impact of running can take a toll on your body, leading to a myriad of issues ranging from minor discomfort to serious injuries. This is where physiotherapy becomes a runner's best ally, playing a pivotal role in preventing injuries, enhancing performance, and ensuring a long and healthy running journey.

What is Pelvic Floor Therapy?

What is Pelvic Floor Therapy?

Have you ever dealt with the troubling issue of not being able to control your bladder? Have you ever thought about finding relief from pain during sex or using a tampon? Maybe you have been diagnosed with a condition where organs in your pelvis drop, causing a lot of symptoms, but you aren't a candidate for surgery. Don't worry, because there is hope. Pelvic floor therapy is a form of rehab that can help with these problems and more, offering a real treatment option for those who don't seem to have any other options. See how our team at Bloom Therapy can help.

Concussion- How Physio Can Help!

Concussion- How Physio Can Help!

What is a concussion?

Concussions are a type of traumatic brain injury that are typically sustained due to direct impacts to the head or body, including a whiplash type motion. It occurs when the axons on nerves in the brain shear back and forth, causing electrical signals to be scattered all over the brain. This creates an electrical storm of activity and energy, leading to an energy depletion, which is where the lasting symptoms often come from.

Feeling Dizzy?

Feeling Dizzy?

Are you experiencing episodes of vertigo or the sensation of the room spinning? Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPPV for short is a disorder of the inner ear and is the most common cause of peripheral related vertigo.  Vertigo is a complex and disabling condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Characterized by a false sense of spinning or movement, it can cause severe dizziness, nausea, and disorientation.

Experience the difference… but what is the difference?

Experience the difference… but what is the difference?

Have you ever gone for physiotherapy and your therapist was treating two or three other people at the same time? You spend an hour at the clinic but maybe get 15 minutes of one-on-one time with the therapist – the rest of the time is spent on hot packs, TENS machines, and doing exercises in a curtained-off room by yourself.

What to do after a Motor Vehicle Accident

What to do after a Motor Vehicle Accident

Getting in a motor vehicle accident is scary and stressful. Often your adrenaline is running on high and the physical repercussions don’t set in until a few days later. We always suggest getting an assessment done after a car accident just in case you experienced any whiplash or any other injuries. Let us help you navigate the process of starting a claim and getting the treatment you need. You can see either our Physiotherapist or our Chiropractor to get you started on the path to recovery.

Massage And Grief

Massage And Grief

As Massage Therapists we support individuals through many different hurdles throughout their lives. Dealing with a new born, a child acting out at home, a fight with a spouse, a personal health scare or the death of a loved one, to name a few. No, we are not psychologists, but we are human, and we are fantastic listeners. Sometimes that's all one person needs. Find out how massage can help when you are in a state of grief.

Raising a High Level Athlete

Raising a High Level Athlete

With the Rio 2016 Olympics coming to a close we now have a nation of young athletes who are left in awe and lit up by their new heroes.  We have had the chance to watch the BEST in the world compete against one another and they were absolutely incredible. Sitting on this side of the TV screen we are shown the highlights, the wins and the losses. We get to know the athletes and we cheer on our favourites. But it is easy to forget about the challenges, the injuries, and the long hours spent training. Learn why a strong team is necessary for your athlete to excel. 

Back Pain in School Kids

Back Pain in School Kids

Does your child come home and complain about back pain? It seems odd that at such a young age they are suffering from something that seems reserved for adults and the aging population. But think about it. School kids carry around heavy bags every day of the school week and usually they are overloaded or the wrong bag entirely.

First Massage Flashback

First Massage Flashback

As most of you know I was recently on a trip abroad with my husband for our Honeymoon. We travelled through England, into Amsterdam and Brussels and then made our way through France. If you have never been to Amsterdam or Southern France I suggest you add it to your bucket list! Our trip was pretty packed full of your typical tourist stuff for the first half, but for the second half we made a point of slowing down and relaxing to the max. The entire trip we kept saying we should get a massage, constantly on Trip Advisor to see if there were any good places near us. When we arrived in Nice we couldn't put it off any longer. We literally had no excuse; there was a spa right next to our hotel!

Why Massage is more than a Luxury

Why Massage is more than a Luxury

Why is it that people often feel guilty when they take care of themselves? You book yourself a massage labelling it as a luxury, wondering if it is worth the expense just to treat yourself.  Would the money be better spent on my children, spouse, bills? What gives me the right to be so selfish? If these thoughts are running through your mind then find out what makes massage therapy a necessity rather than a luxury.

So what exactly are Trigger Points?

So what exactly are Trigger Points?

Do you ever have that chronic pain that will dissipate for a few days after a treatment, whether it be chiropractic, physio, acupuncture etc, just to have that same pain return a few days later? You could be suffering with Trigger Points! Which doesn't sound awesome but really, it is, because it is something that we can target and treat. Yay!