Does your child come home and complain about back pain? It seems odd that at such a young age they are suffering from something that seems reserved for adults and the aging population. But think about it. School kids carry around heavy bags every day of the school week and usually they are overloaded or the wrong bag entirely.
First Massage Flashback
As most of you know I was recently on a trip abroad with my husband for our Honeymoon. We travelled through England, into Amsterdam and Brussels and then made our way through France. If you have never been to Amsterdam or Southern France I suggest you add it to your bucket list! Our trip was pretty packed full of your typical tourist stuff for the first half, but for the second half we made a point of slowing down and relaxing to the max. The entire trip we kept saying we should get a massage, constantly on Trip Advisor to see if there were any good places near us. When we arrived in Nice we couldn't put it off any longer. We literally had no excuse; there was a spa right next to our hotel!
Why Massage is more than a Luxury
Why is it that people often feel guilty when they take care of themselves? You book yourself a massage labelling it as a luxury, wondering if it is worth the expense just to treat yourself. Would the money be better spent on my children, spouse, bills? What gives me the right to be so selfish? If these thoughts are running through your mind then find out what makes massage therapy a necessity rather than a luxury.
The Power Of Breath
So what exactly are Trigger Points?
Do you ever have that chronic pain that will dissipate for a few days after a treatment, whether it be chiropractic, physio, acupuncture etc, just to have that same pain return a few days later? You could be suffering with Trigger Points! Which doesn't sound awesome but really, it is, because it is something that we can target and treat. Yay!
Plantar Fasciitis
What to expect for your first massage
Never had a massage before? The first time you get a massage can be quite intimidating, especially if you don’t know what to expect. Since I would LOVE to see you in our treatment room experiencing the many benefits of massage therapy I decided to give you a breakdown on what happens the first day you walk into our studio!