Bavi Grewal, R.Ac


My journey in the realm of healthcare began as a Licensed Practical Nurse here in Edmonton. Unfortunately, like many others after suffering from a severe injury I found myself mentally and physically depressed. Although modern healthcare and medicine were able to help me recover from my physical ailments, there was little to no effort placed on my mental and emotional wellbeing. My scientific mind searched for months trying to find something that could aid my fragile mental state. It was only after allowing my intuition to guide me towards more alternative therapies was I able to begin the healing process of my entire being. The combination of mind, body and spirit healing together as one, the foundational belief of many alternative and holistic therapies. It was within this realm of thinking that I was able to find, use and fall in love with the ideologies of holistic healthcare.

Studying at Grant MacEwan University in both the Holistic Health Practitioner and Acupuncture programs, I was able to allow my scientifically trained mind to roam free and experience the things surrounding us that may not be seen or measured. I quickly realized the unbelievable effectiveness of Reiki and Chinese Medicine and have ever since been on a journey of sharing the power of holistic health.

Outside of treatments you can often find me practicing mental, physical and emotional selfcare. Reading, sports and music! Holistic health is more than just a career path for me, it has become a life path.