

Acupuncture is an ancient healing method that originated in China thousands of years ago known as Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture is recognized for helping the mind, body and spirit maintain or even regain health and balance. With over 400 known Acu points located on the human body, our properly trained Acupuncturist can use a variety of these points to help remedy numerous health problems and conditions. Acupuncture is commonly known for its use of metal filiform (thread-like) needles and although these may be used in many treatments, needles are just one of the tools a skilled Acupuncturist may use to help with your case. Using Acupressure points and other tools, it is possible for a full treatment to be performed without the use of needles.

Our Acupuncturists also offer Cupping, Gua Sha and Facial acupuncture.

+ Do I need to undress for acupuncture?

Acupuncture is similar to Massage in this aspect. Your acupuncturist will recommend the level of undress based on the agreed upon treatment plan. You will be in control and can undress to your comfort level. You will be draped with a sheet, and only those specific areas being worked on will be undraped.

+ How big are the needles?

Acupuncture needles are quite small. So small in fact, they are often called the "painless needle". When you are looking at photos of acupuncture needles, the tip can be quite difficult to see. The bulk of the needle that you are seeing is the handle. These are thicker in order to guide the thin point more easily.

+ Who can benefit from Acupuncture?

Acupuncture can be beneficial for absolutely everybody. It can help with anxiety, fertility, muscle pain, energy levels, focus, headaches, quitting addictions, menstrual cycles, mood disorders, chronic coughs, the list goes on! Your acupuncturist will do a full assessment to pinpoint your imbalances and develop a treatment plan from there.